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Why Are Companies Avoiding Remote Workers?

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

Introduction: Why do some companies refuse to hire remote workers? It is possible managers or supervisors could lose their positions. It could be the loss of control over lower-paid workers creating the backlash we are seeing today. It is logical to assume the CEOs would have to thin their herds of no longer-needed managers. Higher profits with smaller office spaces and less commuting also promote green living.

Remote Worker

Elon Musk is a Prime Example.

The company Tesla, built with a slave mentality achieved set goals meted out by the CEO. Now look at Twitter and the problems it faces in 2023. Twitter was not on the same business model as Tesla and proved to be an absolute disaster for Elon. The new generation of workers, will not accept the slave mentality of bosses.

Are Companies Oblivious to New Online Team Systems?

It could be the fear of having to learn new ways and systems. It is also quite possible that supervisors and managers fear their job loss. Most CEOs rely on management teams which could be the source of negative feedback to the boss. Many management teams are older and fear technology, especially when coupled with change.

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It is Impossible to Ignore Change in Technology Globally

Companies that can adapt will likely be the leaders for generations. Having an open-minded approach to ending the slave mentality of management, could be the key that opens the door. Mankind needs to be happy to succeed in an ever-changing world.

David W. Pugh

Content Creation & Writer

United States

About David David Pugh writes travel content. has much of David's personality inside the extranet system. David wrote and supplied content for Asia Room for 6 years. Although David writes as a ghostwriter in the Tech Industry his passion is in travel. David has a start-up marketing company called: LAAYR Group marketing and web solutions. David is a well-seasoned writer with over 25 years in the travel industry. Experience is his greatest asset.

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